Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekly Chase

Since I didn't have any goals from last week I'll go over my goals from the week before:
-Have baby. Check! Allow me to introduce you to Clay Lucas He. Is. So. Amazing. A longer post will follow about this cutie!

Rest, walk, hydrate I did this! For the one day that week before I had Clay.
Scrapbook, blanket The pictures are in! Now I just need to write in it. And here is the progress on the blanket:


Bake cookies Done! They were awesome!

Goals for this week:
Eat better I definitely slacked off big time at the end (okay, middle) of my pregnancy. Now I need to focus on eating better not only to lose some baby weight but also for more energy! I will not use breastfeeding as an excuse to eat crappy!!
Rest when the baby does This was the advice I got most often and now I know why... I need to resist the urge to plow through my checklist the minute he goes down. Pushing myself to exhaustion won't help Clay or myself.
Start working on my workout plan I can't start working out until 6 weeks but I need a game plan!!

I could add about 20 more but for now, I'm gonna keep it simple.

And just cause, here's another adorable picture:


Love, Jess