Monday, December 30, 2013

Hey there

I guess I decided to take an impromptu two week vacay from blogging...

Anyway, I'm back here now with what could be the longest recap EVER but I'll spare you and just hit the highlights.

Clay is getting tubes today! The Wednesday after my last post, we found out Clay had an ear infection. His seventh ear infection since February. Needless to say, there was lots of craziness going on that week since daycare wasn't an option. Anyway, we ended up getting a consultation with the ENT on Christmas Eve and he had a surgery time available for TODAY. I'm excited because these ear infections are getting ridiculous, but I'm a nervous wreck.

Because of said ear infection, we weren't able to make the drive across the mountains to Tennessee for Christmas. For the first time in my life I wasn't home on Christmas. It could have been a horrible situation (and still was sad), but Mike's family took me in on Christmas Day and there were gifts and laughter and yummy food and of course Clay baby was the best part.

Because we haven't been to Tennessee yet to celebrate Christmas, I refuse to take my Christmas decorations down. So if you're still in the Christmas spirit, hop on over to my Instagram.

Santa (a.k.a. my Christmas bonus) brought me a new camera and Troy (who actually went to school for photography) walked me through the basics on using it. I'm still learning but look for less crappy cell phone pictures around these parts :)

And those were the highlights. Look for my 2014 wishes and the third part of the Story of Us this week!



Kelli said...

Ooooohhh I want a fancy new camera!!! What a great Christmas present.

Katie @ said...

Love the new blog design! And yes I too took a long vacay from blogging but happy to be back and catch up with everyone! Happy New Year! =)