Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weekly Chase

(Hangs head)

Road Runner Girl

Recap of last week:

1. Read to Clay each morning
We did morning. Wednesday I woke up to a baby with a 102 fever and that just threw off the entire week.

2. Continue with the plank a day and do all 7 this week
Umm, I did three. I know.

3. Read for fifteen minutes a day
I read for five minutes one day.

4. Run three times this week
I'm gonna blame my sick baby again... Wednesday was one of my running days and on Friday I got stuck at work then a nap prevailed. However, I did get my run in yesterday.

5. Have all of my "stuff" done and be in bed by 11.
This past week is a huge blur but I'm fairly certain I did well with this.

6. Make baby food
Done! Peas and green beans are in the freezer! See my other post about this here.

As you can see, I wasn't nearly as productive with my goals as I wanted to be. However, I did accomplish a few things that were from previous weeks. I am completely caught up on laundry (except for the loads in washer & dryer because let's face it, as a mom there is ALWAYS a load going), I organized my clothes/room as best as I can until my dressers arrive, and I made time for Clay and for ME each day.

That being said, on to this week's goals:

1. Complete all of last week's goals.
I feel a teeny bit like I'm setting myself up for failure but I think that I can do this.

2. Organize Clay's clothes.
This needs to happen ASAP. I'm digging through clothes baskets every morning trying to find him an outfit and it KILLS me.

3. Be a better running buddy.
Liz and I make plans to run together three times a week and it usually only happens once, maybe twice. This week I am determined to make it to all three! Also, Liz and I have decided to create our own kind of Weight Watchers. Basically we weigh in once a week and be mean (and supportive) to each other and discuss what we're eating.

4. Make a calendar and stick to it.
I thought after the holidays life would be less hectic. Wrong. So this week I am going to sit down and make a schedule and stick to it!

5. Make a shopping list and stick to it.
Each weekend Clay and I load up and make our weekly grocery run to Target. Each weekend I come home with a ton of stuff that wasn't on my list. This week my goal is to make a list and a budget for our trip and stick to it. NO EXTRAS!

Well now that I've piled my plate so full that I'm sure to experience post Thanksgiving dinner regret, I shall close. What do you have on your plate this week?

As always, good luck to all of my fellow chasers!


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