Anyway, stay with me here.
I know a lot of people hate on Kelle Hampton. When you start typing her name into google "Kelle Hampton hate" pops up. Really people? Really? I am not all about the hate in bloggy land. IF YOU DON'T LIKE SOMEONE'S BOOK/BLOG, DON'T READ IT!
Okay, now that I'm done with my mini rant I will get to my reason for this post.
I clicked on Kelle's blog today and she had shared a speech written by Carrie, a 36 year old with Down syndrome. Please, take a few moments and hop over and read it here.
Frequently through the week I see a young man with Down syndrome running in the neighborhood where I work. It reminds me that we are SO blessed to live in a time where Down syndrome and other conditions don't automatically translate into a life of being hidden or sent away. And this young man might not know it but he is such a motivation for me to get out and run!
Okay, sorry this has been so windy/rambling. I just had to share the speech and a couple of thoughts!
Oh, wait. I promised you a cute baby. Here he is:
I am SO in love with him and so thankful that he is healthy and happy.