Thursday, January 2, 2014


I've spent some time the past couple of days deciding what my "word(s)" for 2014 would be. I knew right away what the first one would be:

Back in September I had a conversation with my friend Mindy about how I was frustrated in one of my friendships because I felt the person wasn't putting as much into the friendship. Mindy suggested that maybe she was, but in her own language, that maybe we had different love languages.

I have spent time since then thinking about what she said so in 2014 my focus is going to be on love. I want to take the time to get to know the love language of those around me and then I want to use that knowledge to better love on them.

Now on to the next word. I knew the feeling I wanted the word to have. I get frustrated and worry and in general let things bother me way too much. I just couldn't quite find the word I wanted. Then I saw this on Instagram:

Aha! That was it! I wouldn't have a second word, but instead I would have a phrase.

I'm going to let things just roll off me. I'm not going to spend hours wondering what someone meant by what they said. Instead I'll save my "bothers" for only the things that really matter the most!
So there you have it, my word and phrase for 2014.
What's your word for 2014?

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Anonymous said...

That people have different love languages is such an interesting concept! I've never thought of it that way, I just expect people to give me the same love I give them.

Desiree Macke said...

The "can't be bothered" motto might have to become one of my own!